It is very hard to deal with this horrendous pandemic. People are suffering and dying at a terrible rate and life as we know it will probably be changed forever. In the midst of all this suffering, I think it might help to consider some of the positive aspects of the effect of this tragedy on our lives. I am speaking for myself as a retired person and hope that some others will find this useful.
1. This disaster has made me realize what a wonderful life I had before COVID 19. I was able to go to church, visit with friends, go out for lunch and dinner, and see my children and grandchildren on a regular basis. I was able to visit my sister and brother in Pennsylvania.
Now, I stay home to do my part to flatten the curve. Thanks to social media, I am still able to connect to family and friends but at a distance. I do find myself talking to everyone more often on the phone.
2. I turn to God more than I ever did before to thank Him for all the gifts He has given me, and ask for His intercession and an end to this virus. I am praying more every day for my family and friends and all those who are suffering.
3. I have a deeper appreciation for all the essential workers who can’t stay home and do their job every day to help us survive. All the healthcare workers, grocery store employees, fast food employees, pharmacists ,truck drivers, postal employees, and all those working in the supply chain to deliver goods that are needed are owed more thanks than we could ever give them.
4. I also want to thank the millions of workers who are tele-working who are trying to take care of their children or adult parents while doing their jobs. I know they are under tremendous stress to do both. I tell my adult children to enjoy their time home with their little ones, but can’t imagine being in their situation.
5. So many things have changed, but we are learning so many lessons. Hopefully, we all will realize that BC (before Covid) things were so much better for all of us as far as our lives and freedom were concerned. This virus is terrible, but it is reinforcing the truth that family is most important, God is most needed, and man is not in ultimate control of the world.
I hope you will join me in praying that AC (after Covid) this time of trial will make us more resilient and grateful for the sacrifices of others.